Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (2024)

Table of Contents
List of Ships By Level Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats Performance Score Merchant Stats Combat Stats FAQs

This is a guide on the publicly available ships in Tradelands. This guide will not cover ships which were available during special events or for a limited time only. Each ship receives a scorecard on its overall performance in three categories, taking into consideration things like level requirements and ship handling. Because we are a merchant focused fleet, we only rate ships that are able to be used as Merchant Ships.

NOTE: This is purely a statistical measurement. The best ship for you depends on your personal preferences. This is just a guide and not official in any way.

Here is a quick summary of the terms used in this guide:

  • Merchant Ship Rating: This measures how well the ship meets the requirements of a good merchant ship. This is mainly focused on how much money you can make. (See ship classification)
  • Privateer Ship Rating: This measures how well the ship meets the requirements of a good pirate ship. Interception and speed are the main focus of this category. (See ship classification)
  • Naval Ship Rating: This measures how well the ship meets the requirements of a good navy ship. Firepower and patrol capabilities are the main focus of this category. (See ship classification)
  • True Cost: This measures true cost to build the ship. It factors in the doubloon cost, as well as the cost in time to get materials (measured in doubloons) to fully purchase the ship.
  • Earnings per Minute: This is the amount of doubloons you earn per minute trading in this ship, assuming you are following the wind and using a profitable trade pattern.
  • Payback Time: This is the total amount of time you would need to be trading with this ship before it is profitable (you earn back more than you paid for it)

List of Ships By Level

You can view the critical stats of each ship by selecting the name of the ship from the list below. Each ship’s name is shown as it appears in the Shipwright.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (1)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $8,250
Payback Time1.37 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside1 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second65.6 – 67.2 hp/s
Max Total Damage7,136.60 hp
WAR (%)1.32%
Combat Value$0 dbs

Summary: This ship is useful as a personal transport but nothing else. It’s the earliest ship in the game that has good crosswind. However, the other two Level 1 ships have decent performance against the wind already, so the net value is non-existent and you will want to quickly upgrade past this ship anyway.

Final Verdict: This ship is not recommended for any type of profession.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (2)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $8,250
Payback Time1.16 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside1 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second65.6 – 67.2 hp/s
Max Total Damage7,736.70 hp
WAR (%)3.94%
Combat Value$0 dbs

Summary: This ship is given to players for free, and as a result starts turning a profit as soon as you start using it. This is the ship you will want to use at level 1 and you shouldn’t have a need to upgrade it until Level 3.

Final Verdict: You get this ship for free. There is no reason to build another one unless you are trying to be cute by making one of different wood types.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (3)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $8,250
Payback Time46 Mins
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside1 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second65.6 – 67.2 hp/s
Max Total Damage7,737.50 hp
WAR (%)3.94%
Combat Value$0 dbs

Summary: This ship has unique sailing characteristics that aren’t seen on most ships. This ship is a marginal upgrade and isn’t going to be worth the investment in most cases. The swallow has around the same performance output and you receive that ship for free.

Final Verdict: This ship is not worth buying and should be skipped.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (4)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $23,250
Payback Time1.50 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed7

Combat Stats

Best Broadside1 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second91.2 – 63.4 hp/s
Max Total Damage13,458.08 hp
WAR (%)5.26%
Combat Value$ -14,000 dbs

Summary: The Heron is the first boat designed as a dedicated trade ship. It can double your doubloons earned per minute, but costs three times what a Level 1 ship costs, so you won’t profit in this ship before hitting Level 3. It has crosswind capability, but is an easy target for other warships and pirate ships.

Final Verdict: This ship is optional and recommend you skip it unless you are struggling to make money early on.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (5)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $36,500
Payback Time1.72 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed11

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second131.2 – 134.4 hp/s
Max Total Damage27,051.73 hp
WAR (%)10.52%
Combat Value$ 352,500 dbs

Summary: The Dart is the first true multi-purpose ship in the early game. It’s speed and trading capacity make it the best trade ship until Level 5. The jump in earnings per minute is significant, compared to its low payback time, means you will be leveling faster as soon as this is built. If you get bored, it can also double as an early game pirate ship, and even makes a decent interceptor at late game.

Final Verdict: All players should build this ship. The Dart is the best early game trading ship. It’s speed allows it to be relevant for later game as well. It doubles your starting Trade Velocity and is the best upgrade available for a while.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (6)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $34,250
Payback Time3.17 Hrs
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second131.2 – 134.4 hp/s
Max Total Damage14,092.07 hp
WAR (%)7.89%
Combat Value$ -82,000 dbs

Summary: This is the first true lateen rigged ship and would be a decent pirate ship if it wasn’t for better alternatives at this level. As a merchant ship, even when using the trade lanes for cross-wind ships, it still cannot outperform the Heron. It also takes too long to pay off this ship without enough upside.

Final Verdict: There are better options at this level and should be skipped.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (7)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $52,500
Payback Time2.48 Hrs
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed11

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Light Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second131.2 – 168.03 hp/s
Max Total Damage32,348.70 hp
WAR (%)11.84%
Combat Value$ 213,000 dbs

Summary: The Bullet is one of the best early game pirate ships. It is used even into end-game due to its versatility. However, it’s essentially just a Dart, but you pay $20k more to mount one extra cannon. This makes it a better pirate ship, but as a merchant ship you are better off building the Dart since it costs less for the same value.

Final Verdict: Build the Bullet if you don’t have the Dart. Otherwise, this ship is optional and can be skipped.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (8)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $40,750
Payback Time2.12 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside1 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second91.2 – 93.44 hp/s
Max Total Damage13,458.08 hp
WAR (%)6.57%
Combat Value$ -123,500 dbs

Summary: The Pelican is an improved version of the Heron. Unfortunately, it is outclassed by nearly every ship at Level 3 and Level 4, making this a completely pointless ship to buy. It’s only use is in cargo trading which both the Dart and Bullet are able to do far better than this ship.

Final Verdict: This ship is not worth buying and should be skipped. All it does is set you back $40k toward your next ship.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (9)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $72,000
Payback Time5.00 Hrs
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second150.4 – 262.29 hp/s
Max Total Damage40,166.92 hp
WAR (%)19.73%
Combat Value$ 2,118,500 dbs

Summary: The Kestrel is the first mortar ship available to players. It has some merchant capabilities but it far better at earning money through combat missions. This is a very good early game first strike vessel. If you are planning to become a mortar specialist, this is a very good purchase at level 5.

Final Verdict: This ship is worth buying if you are good with a mortar. Otherwise, you can skip this ship.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (10)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $66,500
Payback Time2.30 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.60 – 231.14 hp/s
Max Total Damage35,270.10 hp
WAR (%)18.42%
Combat Value$ 1,520,500 dbs

Summary: This is the first trading ship that performs like a mid-tier merchant ship, only smaller. It will immediately improve your earnings per minute by 100+ db’s per minute over any previous option you built. However, this is really just a money trap. If you are making good money with your current trade ship, you should skip this and wait until Level 6 where the true mid-tier merchant ships show up. Otherwise, build it and avoid the temptation to replace it until Level 8.

Final Verdict: The Pheasant is an upgrade to the Dart but it is generally better to save up for a Level 6 ship. If you end up building the Pheasant, you do not need to upgrade to a new merchant ship until Level 8.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (11)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $409,500
Payback Time85.31 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed10 (7)

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Heavy, 1 Light
Avg. Damage / Second248.00 – 254.09 hp/s
Max Total Damage40,528.98 hp
WAR (%)22.36%
Combat Value$ -3,422,500 dbs

Summary: The Dragon is the first steamship most players can access. Its low cargo capacity limits its use as a cargo raider, but it’s amazing cross and upwind speed make this one of the best interceptors in the game. It is one of the only pirate ships that can intercept a Demeter. A Dragon’s use as a navy ship requires some skill, which may not be something most players will have at Level 6 when this ship first becomes available.

Final Verdict: This ship is too expensive it build at Level 6. However, it is a very useful utility ship for those who can afford it, so build this ship when you have reached end game.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (12)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $93,750
Payback Time19.53 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second273.60 – 408.19 hp/s
Max Total Damage40,892.98 hp
WAR (%)36.84%
Combat Value$ 6,430,500 dbs

Summary: The Manta is the first combat ship that can carry a heavy mortar. It costs $20k (plus mortar cost) than the Kestrel. It’s limited cargo capacity gives it some value in interception but it’s true strength is in support roles where it excels. This is an excellent upgrade for anyone looking to go into a mortar specialty. It’s biggest limitation will be in maneuverability.

Final Verdict: This is the most powerful mortar ship below Level 10. If mortaring isn’t your thing, then it is an optional purchase and can be skipped.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (13)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $91,250
Payback Time2.81 Hrs
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.80 – 373.77 hp/s
Max Total Damage35,739.23 hp
WAR (%)34.21%
Combat Value$ 5,345,500 dbs

Summary: The Marlin is the best mid-tier trading ship that can double as a combat ship in some circ*mstances. It’s 4 cannon broadside is good enough to compete against some higher level ships, and it is fast enough to keep pace with pirate interceptors making it decent in a support role for privateers. It also has a very good payback time meaning it is worth the price since you will be able to use as a trader for many levels to come.

Final Verdict: This is the best mid-tier trading ship in the game. The only reason you wouldn’t build this is if you purchased a Pheasant at Level 5. Once you have this ship, you will use it for the next few levels at least.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (14)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $92,000
Payback Time4.79 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.80 – 440.98 hp/s
Max Total Damage46,503.07 hp
WAR (%)42.10%
Combat Value$ 9,334,500 dbs

Summary: The Orca is branded as a privateer but it actually performs the combat mission role very well. The ship is essentially a more powerful version of the Shark, with better hull points and chaser cannons with a speed of 10. The only downside is the ships overall hull points which limit its effectiveness against some higher level ships. However, it is still able to deliver decent damage as a skirmisher in the late game. It requires a crew of 5 players to work at full capacity.

Final Verdict: This is the best combat ship available under Level 10. No other ship can register a potential DPS above 425 like the Orca.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (15)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $94,500
Payback Time19.68 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.80 – 373.77 hp/s
Max Total Damage38,377.46 hp
WAR (%)35.52%
Combat Value$ 6,291,500 dbs

Summary: The Shark is the purpose-built combat ship of Level 6. It is decent for combat missions but is outperformed by the Orca which is available at the same level. It’s gun deck offers no protection from enemy fire which can cause issues when going up against more maneuverable opponents. It’s a cheap deterrence at Level 6 but offers nothing above what you can get from other ships at or below this level.

Final Verdict: This ship is not worth buying and should be skipped. It is an entry level navy ship which has better options coming in the next few levels.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (16)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $122,000
Payback Time3.97 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second300.8 – 341.80 hp/s
Max Total Damage57,503.97 hp
WAR (%)46.05%
Combat Value$ 8,174,500 dbs

Summary: The Goose is first and foremost a trade ship and is a decent upgrade, but not a required one. With 12k hitpoints, it also doubles as a tank, allowing it to soak up damage while hitting opponents with a 4 cannon broadside at the same time. The ship received a boost in its trading capabilities but is still only marginally better than a Marlin. It’s also a big and easily identified ship, making it a target for pirates.

Final Verdict: If you like tanking lots of hits in combat, this ship is a good pickup. Otherwise, you can consider it optional and can be skipped.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (17)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $106,500
Payback Time5.04 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed11

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 298.36 hp/s
Max Total Damage40,450.03 hp
WAR (%)15.78%
Combat Value$ -2,085,000 dbs

Summary: When you think Blackwind Pirates, this is the ship that comes to mind. It has all the right features for a pirate ship. It is an excellent interceptor, has a moderately-sized cargo hold, and has a low profile which allows for quick and easy boarding. However, the ship’s light hull points make is poor in a head-to-head match, but when able to maneuver into blind spots it can hold its own very well.

Final Verdict: This is a must have ship for any pirate. It is a decent cross-wind trader, although not recommended for this purpose.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (18)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $133,750
Payback Time7.75 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second300.8 – 375.40 hp/s
Max Total Damage67,333.82 hp
WAR (%)52.63%
Combat Value$ 12,507,500 dbs

Summary: This ship is essentially the hulk of the sea. It is used to soak up damage from other ships but it is not useful for much else. It’s occasionally featured in naval battles, but it isn’t a staple ship by any stretch. The main issue with this ship is it can be used to protect the Goose, but is easily outrun by any other ship. Since there aren’t many Goose convoys, this ship finds itself relegated to auxiliary duty only.

Final Verdict: This ship is optional and can be skipped. If you are looking for a navy ship, wait until next level.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (19)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $145,500
Payback Time3.74 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 298.36 hp/s
Max Total Damage35,378.16 hp
WAR (%)31.57%
Combat Value$ -427,500 dbs

Summary: The Beaver is second-best mid-tier trade ship after the Marlin. The Beaver is the best trade ship until Level 10 and is a significant upgrade in trade velocity. It doesn’t have enough firepower to be a front-line naval ship, and is not suited for piracy. If you are a dedicated trader, you should have this ship or the Marlin in your inventory no matter what.

Final Verdict: If you built the Pheasant at Level 5, the Beaver is a must have. If you built the Marlin, you can skip this ship and save yourself 3.75 hours of trading while you save up for a Tier 10 ship.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (20)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $768,500
Payback Time23.72 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 339.34 hp/s
Max Total Damage43,844.41 hp
WAR (%)40.78%
Combat Value$ -14,518,000 dbs

Summary: The fox is an amalgamation of features that work well on paper but are not overpowering in any one category. The exception to this is the Classic Variant which allows the Fox to become one of the only steal powered mortar ships in the game. If you have that variant, you have one of the best ships in the game at lower level.

Final Verdict: This ship is optional but provides some unique utility options for most situations.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (21)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $245,000
Payback Time7.35 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed10 – 11

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second131.2 – 308.19 hp/s
Max Total Damage41,355 hp
WAR (%)44.73%
Combat Value$ 3,488,000 dbs

Summary: This is one of the most versatile ships in the game with multiple variants that can pretty much replicate the stats of other common privateering ships. This means you can alter the ship to be the perfect pirate ship against any enemy vessel except steam ships. It also doubles as a crosswind trader and has some ability as a skirmisher in combat but is not meant to fight on its own.

Final Verdict: This is the best privateering ship and a very good utility ship. Given how cheap it is for how much you get out of it, every player should own one until this changes.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (22)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $149,000
Payback Time13.79 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second300.8 – 375.40 hp/s
Max Total Damage58,235.60 hp
WAR (%)53.94%
Combat Value$ 7,112,000 dbs

Summary: The Otter is an upgraded combat version of the Fox. Ironically, this is one of the most cost effective ships in the game. If you aren’t able to afford some of the more costly navy ships, this is a good option as it has a powerful protected broadside and has a good Interceptor variant that allows for some creative patrol maneuvers.

Final Verdict: This is a good poor-man’s navy ship and should be an entry level ship for anyone looking for combat ships.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (23)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $146,000
Payback Time5.63 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.8 – 373.77 hp/s
Max Total Damage49,674.50 hp
WAR (%)55.26%
Combat Value$ 11,426,500 dbs

Summary: The Serpent received a major overhaul in 2023, including a remodel, which has significantly improved its combat performance. It is effectively a broadside version of a 4 cannon broadside which is one of the best you can get until Level 10. It is also able to multi-role as a trade ship, although it doesn’t do well in this role.

Final Verdict: This ship has some niche/unique value that will work for some players and not others. Most players will prefer to stick with tried and true ships with proven capabilities.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (24)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $185,500
Payback Time5.22 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.8 – 373.77 hp/s
Max Total Damage49,674.50 hp
WAR (%)55.26%
Combat Value$ 11,426,500 dbs

Summary: This ship was once the fastest trader on the seas. Since the Marauder is faster, this ship is unable to outrun any pirate at Level 7 or higher. The Cutlass can operate in crosswind and is therefore an acceptable mothership for a privateer. Unfortunately, other ships perform this role better. The one area where this ship still performs well is in a one or two man navy, where operating larger ships is actually a disadvantage because of unmanned cannons.

Final Verdict: This one is too rock paper scissors to be effective this late in the game. Other ships at level 9 offer better versatility.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (25)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $185,500
Payback Time10.26 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 308.19 hp/s
Max Total Damage50,556.61 hp
WAR (%)42.10%
Combat Value$ 111,000 dbs

Summary: The Falchion has a three cannon broadside at a level where trade ships regularly carry 4, and at one level high it will be significantly higher. Its moderately sized cargo hold and similar sailing characteristics make this an alternative to the Cutlass for trading, but it is still going to underperform in trading as well as combat.

Final Verdict: Buy this ship if you like roaming the seas in style (good cosmetic options) but the stats are underwhelming.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (26)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $286,250
Payback Time17.90 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second182.4 – 280.32 hp/s
Max Total Damage38512.58 hp
WAR (%)22.36%
Combat Value$ -5,061,000 dbs

Summary: The Hook’s main feature is it carries 2 heavy cannons on three of its four sides, making it difficult to approach. Unfortunately, this make it defensible as a trader, but terrible as an attacker. It is described as a pirate ship in game but too slow to intercept experienced traders properly. It is also too expensive to work as a viable navy ship since its Cost vs. Firepower ratio makes it the most expensive of all Level 9 ships.

Final Verdict: This ship is good at chasing fleeing ships but there are other, better and cheaper, options available that can do this same thing.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (27)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $907,500
Payback Time90.84 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second300.8 – 375.40 hp/s
Max Total Damage68,478.72 hp
WAR (%)64.47%
Combat Value$ -18,319,500 dbs

Summary: The Phoenix was once the Battle Cruiser of the Grand Isles but it received a significant downgrade in 2023 with the loss of its forward facing mortar. However, it is still a four cannon broadside on a steam engine, and the interceptor variant has the ability to provide effective fleet support. You will have to pay for it though, as it’s the first ship to reach nearly $1M in total cost. This ship is also one of the high tier ships.

Final Verdict: This ship is not the must-have it once was, but still provides unique options for engaging enemies in combat. Build only at end game when you have the cash to buy it.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (28)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $185,500
Payback Time11.09 Hrs
Sail PlanCircular
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside2 Heavy, 1 Light
Avg. Damage / Second257.6 – 263.93 hp/s
Max Total Damage33,112.40 hp
WAR (%)27.63%
Combat Value$ -2,684,500 dbs

Summary: The Stiletto is the same as the Cutlass but with two medium chaser cannons instead of additional cargo space. Both ships are bad traders, so this is essentially an upgrade of the Stiletto at no additional cost. The chasers make it slightly better as a solo pirate and it acts as a skirmisher/corvette in navy battles with small crews. This is an optional purchase and better options are available if you can wait until Level 10 for the high-tier ships.

Final Verdict: Pick this up if you intend to do a lot of one or two-man escorts/combat missions. If you are able to acquire large crews, you can skip this ship altogether and get better ships at Level 10.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (29)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $185,500
Payback Time11.58 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 308.19 hp/s
Max Total Damage37,730.34 hp
WAR (%)28.94%
Combat Value$ -13,336,000 dbs

Summary: The Corsair is a junk rigged ship, and one of two at Level 10. It is not as capable as the Kirin which has better firepower, chasers, hull points, and nearly the same overall cost. Moreover, the Level 8 Ibis can replicate nearly all of the Corsair’s stats, making it largely redundant. While the Corsair is not a bad ship, it doesn’t excel in any one role and means it is outclassed at this point in the game.

Final Verdict: Building other ships at this level should be your priority. However, if you need a pirate ship that doesn’t use lateen sails, then this is the ship you are looking for.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (30)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $301,000
Payback Time6.33 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second273.3 – 308.19 hp/s
Max Total Damage78,371.42 hp
WAR (%)60.52%
Combat Value$ -2,908,500 dbs

Summary: The Grouse is the best trade ship at Level 10. It has slightly better (not noticeable) trade velocity to the Kirin but is much cheaper to build. It’s two rear cannons allows you to kite opponents around the map while you are trading and deal heavy damage as you go. This is a threat when using its strength but has significant vulnerabilities that can be exploited by other warships. But it is still one of the best traders in the game.

Final Verdict: This is one of the best high tier trade ships even after its cargo capacity nerf.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (31)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $335,000
Payback Time7.55 Hrs
Sail PlanSector
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside5 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second376.00 – 467.21 hp/s
Max Total Damage69,141.78 hp
WAR (%)85.52%
Combat Value$ 5,894,000 dbs

Summary: The Kirin is the second best Level 10 trader, sacrificing trade velocity to add Junk rigging. This allows the ship to access trade routes that are not available to other traders. While the ship performs well against Level 10 ships, it is outclassed by Level 12 ships and above. However, it’s ability to work as an interceptor, trader, and a ship of the line when needed, it is a highly valuable ship at end game.

Final Verdict: If you plan to do a lot of late game fighting, then you will get more use out of the Kirin than the Grouse due to its superior versatility.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (32)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $335,000
Payback Time7.55 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside5 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second376.00 – 385.24 hp/s
Max Total Damage73,197.91 hp
WAR (%)74.68%
Combat Value$ 7,929,000 dbs

Summary: The Mastiff is a heavily armed trade ship, sacrificing cargo capacity for two additional cannons over the Grouse. It has 2k more health than a Kirin, but the Kirin has a variant with a heavier broadside. In short, this ship has become a middle-tier combat ship and a middle-tier trade ship. It’s roots like with the Atlas which shared the same stats for a long time, but the Atlas has since received its own variant. This ship can still perform dual roles as a trader and a line ship however, so there is still some value in buying it.

Final Verdict: This is a middle-of-the-road ship. If you can afford to purchase a purpose built ship at this level, that is a better option.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (33)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $1,655,000
Payback Time86.20 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Heavy, 3 Medium
Avg. Damage / Second499.2 – 755.73 hp/s
Max Total Damage75,428.30 hp
WAR (%)97.36%
Combat Value$ -68,321,500 dbs

Summary: Most of the combat ships have been re-balanced but the Prometheus has yet to be impacted. It still follows the old school Tradelands level of firepower which means it is immensely overpowered. This is the Tradelands Battleship and is at constant threat of being nerfed. But until then, this remains one of the strongest ships in the game and is a great option if you are just looking for a citadel to plant in the middle of a battlefield somewhere.

Final Verdict: With the re-balancing of combat ships, this is now one of the best in existence. You should buy it if you can afford it.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (34)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $200,000
Payback Time20.83 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed10

Combat Stats

Best Broadside4 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second364.8 – 373.77 hp/s
Max Total Damage44,630.09 hp
WAR (%)48.68%
Combat Value$ -6,213,500 dbs

Summary: The Tyrant’s performance edge was marginalized with the re-structure of combat ships in 2023. It’s speed advantage has been mitigated with the introduction of more agile crosswind ships with heavy broadsides. Still, it remains a capable pirate ship due to its ability to chase most trade ships and match broadsides with most warships. However, it late game, this will become more challenging due to the ships hull points not keeping pace with end game ships.

Final Verdict: This is a good purchase, and a cheap one. It’s more powerful than a Corsair as a pirate ship with similar maneuverability. Plus you will likely use it in combat more often.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (35)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $1,007,500
Payback Time31.51 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside7 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second393.6 – 529.50 hp/s
Max Total Damage70,706.30 hp
WAR (%)87.50%
Combat Value$ -2,059,000 dbs

Summary: The Brigand is a ship that demonstrates good privateering characteristics. The difference, though, is the ships large broadside, high crew compliment, and extensive costs. This makes it more like a warship in practice. This makes it unique because it can perform hit and run tactics against traders, while also outgunning them most of the time as well. This ship is likely meant to go toe to toe against an Alliance (or equivalent ship of the line) based on it’s cost.

Final Verdict: This is one of the nastiest pirate ships available, sporting maneuverability and broadside firepower. The Brigand is also able to stand up against any warship that would compete against it.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (36)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $875,000
Payback Time18.96 Hrs
Sail PlanSquare
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside5 Heavy Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second376.0 – 467.21 hp/s
Max Total Damage74,894.88 hp
WAR (%)89.47%
Combat Value$ -2,273,000 dbs

Summary: The Gargoyle is a versatile end game ship. It has a Hauler variant which allows it to mirror the stats of the Camel. In it’s default configuration, it mounts a five cannon broadside and 23k hit points making is on par with the Alliance in terms of longevity in a fight. If you don’t mind having to switch variants based on your preferred usage, you will have a rock paper scissors ship that can effectively be a rock or a paper depending on your situation and preferences (but not both at the same time).

Final Verdict: This is one of the most versatile ships you can buy in game and makes other potential future ship purchases obsolete.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (37)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $507,500
Payback Time11.43 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside5 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second376.0 – 385.24 hp/s
Max Total Damage70,105.97 hp
WAR (%)77.63%
Combat Value$ -7,755,500 dbs

Summary: The re-balancing of trade ships in 2023 allowed the Mule to regain its A tier rating for trade. Unfortunately, it has immediately lost this due to the Gargoyle having a variant which allows it to outperform the Mule’s trade velocity. Moreover, the Gargoyle also outclasses it in total broadside. The only advantage that remains is the Mule’s crosswind capability, but this does not afford it the same advantage the Kirin had over the Grouse, due to Speed 8 having less impact than Speed 9 at outrunning pirates. This ship is still used as a mothership for pirating but has otherwise been overshadowed.

Final Verdict: Unless you are strapped for cash and need to purchase the cheapest trade option at Level 12, the Gargoyle is the ship you should but instead.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (38)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $960,200
Payback Time19.19 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed9

Combat Stats

Best Broadside3 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second225.6 – 231.14 hp/s
Max Total Damage42,372.74 hp
WAR (%)77.63%
Combat Value$ -17,036,500 dbs

Summary: The Albatross has the highest Trade Velocity of any ship in the game. It also has enough speed and hull points to limit the impact of aggressive pirates can take against you while on trade runs. However, the ship offers only marginal upgrades from the Mule and Camel if you already have one of these two alternatives, but if you plan to do trading in the long-term you will likely benefit from building to Albatross.

Final Verdict: Unless you already have the Gargoyle or the Camel, this ship is worth buying. Otherwise, this ship is optional, and provides value only if you plan to grind trade routes regularly until Level 24 when you will make your money back.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (39)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $1,000,000
Payback Time20.03 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside6 Medium Cannon
Avg. Damage / Second451.2 – 529.50 hp/s
Max Total Damage73,956.03 hp
WAR (%)77.63%
Combat Value$ -28,373,500 dbs

Summary: The Camel has one of the highest Trade Velocities of any ship in the game, but you are paying up front to get it. If you have the Gargoyle already, then you are getting the same performance on trade routes. The only advantage you get a ship with good combat capability and stern cannons that are often considered two of the best in the game behind the Grouse. This is a good end game choice if you are struggling between the Albatross and the Camel. The Albatross will have slightly better trade performance, but you get better fighting performance with the Camel with a fractional loss in overall profitability.

Final Verdict: It’s likely you already have a ship that can match the performance of the Camel. But if not, this is a great late game purchase if you want a good mix of trade and combat capabilities.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (40)

Performance Score

Merchant Ship


Privateer Ship


Naval Ship


Merchant Stats

True Cost $3,170,000
Payback Time20.03 Hrs
Sail PlanCrosswind
Max Speed8

Combat Stats

Best Broadside 2 Light, 1 Medium
Avg. Damage / Second206.4 – 211.47 hp/s
Max Total Damage59,193.75 hp
WAR (%)60.52%
Combat Value$ -69,593,500 dbs

Summary: The Ceres is the highest level ship that is not an exclusive or limited time ship. As a trader, it makes the same or less than all of the ships available from Level 12 onwards. Its engine gives it some unique trading options and is a benefit when avoiding pirates. But the Ceres has a very wear broadside compared to other options and is vulnerable to raiders with fast steam engines. That said, everyone will know you are at the end game if you build this ship, so that is its primary purpose at the moment.

Final Verdict: Build this ship for the statement it makes, not for the performance is gives.

Ship Ratings and Stats – Tradelands Nation (2024)


What is the best starter ship in tradelands? ›

The Sparrow is a starter ship that gives greater health, cannons, and one more cargo than the level 0 ships. This ship has a disproportionately high health to size ratio despite being a starting ship.

What is the fastest ship in Tradelands? ›

The Dart is a Level 3 ship, tied with many other ships for being just as fast in the game parallel to its bigger sister the Bullet. It is the fastest ship at its level: its speed leaves little room for cargo or armament.

What level is Atlas in tradelands? ›

Ship NameMin LevelMax Cargo
Level 0-1
Level 10
74 more rows

How do you repair ships in Tradelands? ›

To repair your ship, Wait for your ship to auto repair until its health is full again. The time you have to wait depends on the amount of health points a ship has; ie. the more it has, the longer it will take to fix.

What is the strongest material in tradelands? ›

Materials only affect the durability of items, with salt being the weakest material and onyx being the strongest.

What is the best level 4 ship? ›

Marauders. Marauders are the strongest all-around level 4 mission runners by a large margin.

How do you get the ghost ship in Tradelands? ›

Ghostships are only obtainable through buying the Ghostship Voucher, but can also be traded with other players. The ship provides no new perks either through better cannons, or ship speed. the ship may become rare wood, and you may receive rare cannons also.

Who is the fastest ship? ›

So the fastest passenger ship anywhere today is the 58 knot, 1516 ton Francisco, named after Pope Francis, which has just been built to carry 1,000 passengers and 150 cars the 140 miles across the River Plate between between Buenos Aires and Montevideo.

What does saltpeter do in tradelands? ›

Saltpeter is a crafting component that was added in a May 29, 2016 update. It's an essential component when making Flintlock Ammunition, requiring one unit of Saltpeter for every piece of Gunpowder made.

How do you level up fast in Tradelands? ›

If you are not already familiar, the actual fastest way to progress through the level bar is crafting the best cannon you can possibly get. Once getting a level up, go for higher tier cannons and so on.

Where is steamy tradelands? ›

Steamy is a machine located on the fort island of Clydesdale. Steamy will mine Iron at a rate of 2 every five minutes, making it an efficient way of collecting the resource. Steamy is a small circular Steam Powered mining machine, located on the Island of Clydesdale.

How do you get the Titan in Tradelands? ›

The Titan is the first "Ship" on the Shipwright. Crafting it requires an Empty Barrel, an extremely rare item that is can be purchased from the Breki Merchant for 2,000,000 Doubloons.

How much is Ironwood in Tradelands? ›

Ironwood can be purchased from the Premium Merchant for 100 Robux (for 100 units).

How do you get Electrosteel in Tradelands? ›

How to obtain
  1. You must mine on a Non-Spawn Island (see below)
  2. There must be an Electric Storm.
  3. It must be night.
  4. ( you will get more E steel if your mining level is about level 8 to level 10 )
  5. You must be using an Angelic Sapphire Pickaxe (a pick made from Angelwood and Sapphire)
  6. Electrosteel weapons do not last forever.

How do you get high quality mold in Tradelands? ›

High Quality Mold can be purchased from the Loyalty Merchant for 3 Loyalty Tokens or crafted from the Blacksmithing Station for 5 Cast Iron and 5 Beeswax. High Quality Molds from Loyalty Merchants are tradeable.

What is the best starter ship in World of Warships? ›

When it comes to battleships, We recommend to start from Japanese tech-tree with Yamato at the end. The main task is to endure and get through the two ships: Kawachi and Myogi. Just humble yourself, go through them and then forget it like a nightmare.

What is the best early mining ship? ›

A great choice for new miners is the Cobra MkIII due to the size of its cargo hold, internal compartments, and its maneuverability. It can also fit the Class 2 mining tools.

What is the best beginner ship in EVE Online? ›

Frigates are the smallest and fastest of the Eve Online ships. These are your starter ships for the most part. Despite their low entry requirements, they can still be incredibly deadly in the right hands. So if you like the nippy feel of them, then you'll be fine to stick with them.

What is the best starting ship in sea of thieves? ›

Sloop: This small ship is ideal for starting an adventure alone or with a friend. Its small size makes it ideal for learning the basics of using a ship in 'Sea of Thieves'.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.